Samarinda’s Church Attack is Reflected Social HarmonizationUnder Threatened

A church in Samarinda, East Kalimantan, suffered minor damages and four infants were injured after a handmade bomb, reportedly a molotov cocktail, thrown by a former convicted terrorist linked to the Islamic State (IS) group, exploded on Sunday. The incident has put the nation’s security under greater scrutiny as the attack occurred during a period in which the nation’s stability still hangs in the balance due to recent religious tension in Jakarta.

It was the second time this year a convicted terrorist launched attacks, raising concerns over the country’s “lenient” terrorism regulations and remissions system that reduced the convict’s prison term.

The Samarinda attacker and former convicted terrorist, identified as Johanda, alias Jo bin Muhammad Aceng Kurnia, carried out the attack at 10:15 a.m. on Sunday as members of the congregation of Oikumene church were about to conclude their prayers.

Four toddlers aged two to three years playing at the church compound were injured and rushed to a nearby hospital for immediate treatment. President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo said he had ordered National Police chief Gen. Tito Karnavian to fully investigate the attack and bring the perpetrator to justice.

Previously, West Jakarta District Court sentenced Johanda to three years and six months in May 2011 for his involvement in a plot to blow up the Center for Science and Technology Research (Puspiptek) complex  Serpong, Banten, the site of a nuclear reactor, and Christ Cathedral Church in Gading Serpong, also in Banten. Johanda was also released in July 2014 after receiving four months’ remission from the Ministry for showing “good behavior” while serving time in prison.

Meanwhile, the offender in the notorious Thamrin terror attack on Jan. 14 in Jakarta, Sunakim was supposed to have remained in prison until 2017 on terrorism charges, but the Law and Human Rights Ministry shortened his sentence by two years, which allowed him to receive parole in August 2015, five months before he attacked police officers and killed four civilians in January 2016.

Samarinda’s attack has also raised concerns over the ministry’s deradicalization program for terrorism prisoners at penitentiaries across the country because as soon as Johanda was freed, he directly joined an East Kalimantan branch of the Jamaah Ansharut Daulah (JAD)- a terrorist faction in the country that supports IS. The recidivists also reportedly had links to Anshori groups in East Java, a province currently under the supervision of the National Police due to indications that the radical group would purchase firearms from the Philippines.

Spokesman from the Law and Human Rights Ministry’s Directorate General of Penitentiaries, Akbar Hadi, said there was no guarantee that convicted terrorists who had been released from prison would not repeat the same offence and, thus, it was important for members of society to welcome them after their respective releases so that the convicts would not feel alienated. Akbar said all terror convicts released from prison should have been under the supervision of the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) and the National Police.
“This is subject to post release monitoring — problems that must be solved by the ministry and the BNPT,” terrorism expert from the University of Indonesia Ridwan Habib said, adding that deradicalization programs launched by the BNPT and the ministry in prisons were ineffective.

“This kind of attack repeats itself in the same way. We have seen the Thamrin attack, which was carried out by a recidivist, and if we look back we will find many cases like this,” Ridwan said.

What Must We Do?

However, Oikoumene Church attacks in Samarinda was shocked us, because these attacks could be occurred when our national situation under scrutiny related to the dynamics of blasphemy case.
A number of political observer has said that Oikoumene church in Samarinda, East Kaliman as “warming up” about a radicals group intention which want to launch attack suddenly.
Basically, we have a significant lesson from these accident. First, these attacks has been shown that Indonesia still has endanger situation related to terror group attacks, so that the Military, the National Police, the National Counterterrorism Agency and also the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) should be built firmly coordination, information sharing and togetherness action to tackle these problems, because our people’s have understood that whenever a terror attacks was happened, they should blame an intelligence communities must responsible.
Second,  a church attacks in Samarinda has been remainded us that our national and social harmonization among each others specially among inter-faith communities has been endangered. Furthermore, these accident has been shown us that an intolerance attitude still spread in our society, and an intolerance attitude is “an entry door” for someone to be radicals.
Third, being admitted or not, these accident has been tought us that the deradicalization process must be evaluated, because perhaps its strategy, modul or treatment doesn’t match with a current situation and current intention from terror perpetrators.
Fourth, its suppose to all terror convicts released from prison should have been under the supervision of the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) and the National Police also an intelligence communities.

Fifth, Samarinda’s attacks has also shown that being admitted or not, an intelligence communities didn’t have planted agent in a suspicious terror group, so that they didn’t have a specific information about a terror group plan, an intention and their capabilities. Those impact is a terror attacks couldn’t predict and strategic surprises still always happen.
Learning from its, we must realize that our national diversity is a priceless mandate from our God to be always maintain carefully, because a number of interest group who come from state-actor or non state actor have jealous to our national diversity and they try to break it through terror problems. Because of that, all national circle must understand that terror, poverty, dullness and societal gaps riots just only a matter of proxy war in the recent era. ***
*) Amril Jambak, the writer is a terror observer at LSISI branch in Pekanbaru and also researcher at Forum Pemerhati Social Kemasyarakatan.

Attack Church Harmonization is Reflected Samarinda's Social Threatened Under

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